Morricone set at The Cube, Bristol; 23rd Feb 2012

A spaghetti extravaganza with full orchestra and choir.

(Sun 29th April / 8 pm / £7 on the door, £5 advance)

Fresh from their triumphant performance at St George’s, the Greatness of the Magnificence present their magical and evocative ‘Looking for Ennio’, a celebration of the Spaghetti Western’s composer-king Ennio Morricone, perhaps the most prolific figure in film music.

The Rumble-O’s
Taking their cues from Tarantino’s surf selections, Joe Meek’s new world, Budd and Bizet, the four-piece Rumble-O’s project their intergalactic instro’s into the heart of ’62 and return aboard Dick Dale’s Fender reverb tank.


Heres the live stream recorded for posterity….